Nyamiryango Vulnerable Children Project

About NVCP

Our Mission

This site and page are about helping the children you see here gain some measure of hope and integrity. These things, "hope and integrity" happen when the young ones have enough to eat and a place to sleep, not to mention education. We are about procuring these basic and utterly necessary things for these children and desperately need your help... Donate Now!

The pictures you see below this section are a part of a 'light-box slide show'. Please click one to open them in the 'light-box presentation'. We will see additional images that are 'nested' within the other images we see posted here. Thank you for looking!

Our Story

Our Director, Christmas Apollo, with some of our residents.

Our story is not unique to those familiar with the countries of Africa, however, those of us involved with Nyamiryango Vulnerable Children Project [NVCP] would like to share our story with you in the hopes that you will join us in our efforts to help provide the basic necessities and education needed for the orphans of NVCP.

NVCP Residents congregating for Sunday worship.

The Nyamiryango Vulnerable Children Project, is a Christian based, non-profit organization created to help the orphans or other children coming from households unable to provide adequate health, shelter, nutrition, education or other needs.

Our Director, Christmas Apollo, with some of our residents preparing for class.

The NVCP orphanage currently houses almost 100 children from 4 years to 19 years old. These are the vulnerable children of the Butanda sub-country, many of whom, (almost 50%) have lost one or both parents to the HIV/AIDS epidemic and the intensive poverty of the region.

Our Director, Christmas Apollo, with some of our residents.

By improving the children’s quality of life through providing for their physical needs as well as the expansion of their knowledge and spiritual growth, NVCP’s goal is to help these children to know and have love, hope, and stability. It is our goal that these young people can then go back into their communities and neighborhoods and be a beacon of hope among their people there.

NVCP Residents gathered for a picnic lunch.

We also strive to improve the lives of our children by reducing illiteracy levels. Doing this will empower these young people to reach beyond the limitations imposed upon them by poverty and to uplift the people of the neighborhoods that they come here from as well. Education, (we strongly feel) is key, and is something we place great emphasis on.

Our Director, Christmas Apollo, with some of our residents having dinner.

We know there are innumerable places/organizations where you can share your resources [time, talent, money]. It is our extreme hope and prayer that you will find it in your hearts to donate to NVCP to help these children. Not just on special occasions... Christmas, Easter, etc., but today, and if possible, on a regular basis. Please share NVCP’s story and needs to your friends, family, churches, or philanthropic organizations. Thank you.

Our People

Our Director, Christmas Apollo, with some of our residents

Christmas Apollo, Our director of NVCP, is a native of Uganda and who himself who was subject to extreme poverty, was taken under the wings of mentors who then assisted him in completing his education. Being so blessed, he has dedicated himself to helping orphans and needy children in the Kabauyanda sub-country.

Resident Angel; Laurie Blackwell

Laurie Blackwell is our resident angel and project manager here in the United States. If you need help making a contribution or donation to the Nyamiryango Vulnerable Children Project, please reach out to her at LaurieB@nvcp.info. She will help you use the payment method of your choice.

Our web developer, Christopher Schiotis

Christopher Schiotis is our web developer and graphic designer, and a resident of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Christopher has been working with us for about 4 years now. If there are any suggestions or critiques that anyone might have as to how this site can be improved, please let us know at chris@nvcp.info. This will be greatly appreciated by everyone connected to this project! Thank you in advance for your help!

Our Location

Map of Africa from Google Maps showing Uganda

We are located on the continent of Africa, in the country of Uganda.

Map of Uganda showing Kabale location from Google Maps

Our location in Uganda is in the southwestern corner of the country in the Kabale district area.

Map of the Kabale area from Google Maps Layered map of the Kabale area from Google Maps

The Kabale district is adjacent to the very beautiful Lake Bunyonyi area. Hover your mouse over this image or tap to see a "layered map".